COVID-19 And The Ederly Banner

On March 19, 2020, a former resident of Benchmark Senior Living at Ridgefield Crossing became the first COVID-19 fatality in the state of Connecticut.

Since that time, there have been at least 55 additional deaths from COVID-19 at Connecticut senior living facilities owned by Benchmark Senior Living. And, 163 residents have tested positive for COVID-19 and approximately 104 employees fallen ill due to the virus.

There are approximately 111 assisted living facilities in Connecticut and so the date from Benchmark Senior Living appears to represent just the tip of the iceberg.

Edgehill in Stamford, an assisted living facility owned by the same company, has 19 workers who tested positive, 28 residents who tested positive of whom 6 have died.

While it is well known that nursing homes are hotbeds for COVID-19, assisted living facilities have received less attention.

Deaths in Connecticut nursing homes represent almost half of Connecticut’s COVID-19 fatalities. And, it is estimated that at least 768 residents of Connecticut nursing homes have died.

As a result of Complaints about working conditions and lack of personal protective equipment in Connecticut nursing homes, the state has initiated onsite inspections.

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